Assistant professor
Name:Dr.C.Agnes mariya dorthy
Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks in PG degree be permitted to register for M.Phil / Ph.D. (Full time / Part Time programs). Further those who have secured lesser than 55% (except SC / ST) of marks and got admitted are specifically informed that they are not eligible for teaching positions as per UGC and State Government Norms.
Full Time
Full-Time (without stipend or fellowship) / Research fellows / Research Assistants/Technical Assistants and project Assistants appointed in the research projects funded by recognized agencies / Government are also eligible to register for Ph.D. on a full time basis in the same department provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria laid in.
Part-Time (Teacher or Non-Teacher)
The candidates possessing any one of the above qualifications and falling under any of the following categories are eligible to register for Ph.D. Part-time program.
“A teacher with a minimum two years of experience working in the Department of the University or of an affiliated College of this University / Higher Secondary School / High School / Polytechnic / Colleges affiliated to other universities (in subjects other than Engineering, Medicine, Law and Agriculture within the territorial Jurisdiction of Bharathiar University.