Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science consistently take the initiative to sign Memorandums of Understanding/Linkage for transformation of students into experts in the real world. Simultaneously, there are a rising number of activities being conducted with the help of such functional Memorandums of Understanding.
During last five years (2018–2023), 31 Memorandums of Understanding have been signed, and 46 connectivity programs are organized under various linkage programs to train, improve the student’s skills and to build a new career.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Government of India during the academic year2022–2023(Period: 04.08.2022 to 04.08.2023, Validity: 1 Year). The main objective of the linkage and collaboration is to give students practical training. In order to provide hands-on training, further Memorandums of Understanding have been signed with Annamalai Capital Services Private Limited (Period: 24.03.2023 to 24.03.2024. Validity: 1 Year). PUMO Technovation (Period: 08.08.2023 to 08.08.2026. Validity: 3 Years) aims to enhance the student community's knowledge of the newest technology and emerging trends. Furthermore, Sprout Knowledge Solutions Private Limited (Period: 04.08.2023 to 04.08.2026. Validity: 3 Years) and Dhanvi InfoTech Private Limited (Period: 03.08.2023 to 03.02.2024. Validity: 1 Year) signed an agreement to help students advance their technological skills.
A MoU with the Universal Snakebite Education and Research organization(Period: 27.02.2023 to 27.02.2028. Validity: 5 Year) is created for faculty and student exchange and join research. Additionally, collaboration is formed with the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB) (Period: 31.01.2021 to 31.01.2026.Validity: 3 Years) to foster an environmentally conscious mindset among the students. An active Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises to foster entrepreneurial abilities (Period: 29.05.2023 to 29.05.2024. Validity: 1 Year).
The Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) and the AIC RAISE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on November 22, 2022 (Period: 22.11.2022 to 22.11.2025 Validity: 3 Years). The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) has signed an MOU with National Entrepreneurship Network and conducted a week-long faculty exchange program. MoU signing date: September 12, 2023 (12.09.2023-12.9.2025) Validity: Two years.
Nine distinct linkage activities are conducted for 2022–2023, including a competitive quiz, hands-on training, AI-based robotics process automation, Microfie 23, recent trends in IT technologies, a hackathon for game application development, an internship program, a tree planting program, and How to Become a Strong Entrepreneur. However, many initiatives are underway and will be arranged in the next years.
Five different MoUs where signed along with the Nallaramm Trust(Period:08.02.2021 to 08.02.2026. Validity: 5 Years), AssisiSnehalaya (Period: 06.12.2021 to 06.12.2026. Validity: 5 Years), Native Medicare Charitable Trust(Period: 08.10.2021 to 08.10.2026. Validity: 5 Years), Saadhya Special School(Period: 02.11.2021 to 02.11.2026. Validity: 5 Years) and Spectrum Yard(Period: 22.01.2021 to 22.01.2026. Validity: 5 Years). Students who take part in linking programs can improve their humanities skills and engage with the outside world. Ultimately, it provides the structure that develops individuals into the best citizens they can be.The collaboration activities and internship training program that are organized includes Tree planting, Recreational Therapy Field work training, stress management and laughing therapy for HIV/AIDS infected inmates, Field Work training, Field Work internship, Rural Camp, Field work orientation visit, rural camp for tribal people, Field work for the betterment of the nearby community, certificate courses, Field work orientation visit and student development programs etc.,during the year 2021-2022.
Six different Memoranda of Understanding were signed, each with a distinct connected goal, to raise student communication skills and degree of self-development during the year 2020-2021. The company and institute are Lady Hawk(Period: 02.12.2020 to 02.12.2021. Validity: 1 Year), Medvision Healthcare solutions(Period: 10.02.2021 to 10.02.2026. Validity: 5 Years),Brista Global Sales Private Limited (Period: 14.12.2020 to 14.12.2023. Validity: 3 Years), KCS Associates(Period: 16.12.2020 to 16.12.2023. Validity: 3 Years), Lakshmishree Investments and Securities Private Limited (Period: 04.02.2021 to 04.02.2026. Validity: 5 Years) and Park Global HR Services(Period: 09.02.2021 to 09.02.2022. Validity: 1 Year). Students from various streams have actively participated and benefited from linkage programs and communication skill development, medical coding, self-realization, professional course orientation, becoming an entrepreneur, and steps towards software modelling.
In 2019-2020, six Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were signed with the following organizations: Global Vision Training Academy(Period: 03.07.2019 to 03.07.2024. Validity: 5 Years), Aswin & Co Chartered Accountants(Period: 21.10.2019 to 21.10.2024. Validity: 5 Years), IDK Educational Institute(Period: 26.07.2019 to 26.07.2020. Validity: 1 Year), Nature Science Foundation(Period: 12.02.2020 to 12.02.2025. Validity: 5 Years), Seattle Technologies(Period: 10.06.2019 to 10.06.2024. Validity: 5 Years), Sri Rajeshwari Educational Institution(Period: 11.07.2019 to 11.07.2024. Validity: 5 Years) and Open Space Foundation(Period: 19.10.2019 to 19.10.2024. Validity: 5 Years). Along with them, a variety of programs and activities are arranged under the titles of International Space Program, Sky Observation Program, Professional Course, Certificate Course, Personality Development, Planting Medicinal Plants, Talley ERP 9.0, and Talley with the Implication of GST.
During the period 2018-2019 five different MoUs are signed with the different companies like Aakam Industrial Training and Research Institute (Period: 29.06.2018 to 29.06.2023. Validity: 5 Years), Educational Wing Rajayoga and Research Foundation (RERF) (Period: 10.05.2018 to 10.05.2023. Validity: 5 Years), Hydro Provak Pumps India Private Limited (Period: 15.02.2019 to 15.02.2024. Validity: 5 Year), Mount Housing Pumps India Private Limited (Period: 15.02.2019 to 15.02.2024. Validity: 5 Years) and Indoshell Cast Private Limited (Period: 15.02.2019 to 15.02.2024. Validity: 5 Years). Through collaboration with the groups various activities like online workshop, yoga for improving Physical and mental health, Impact of international Business in enabling India Economic Growth, Startup Entrepreneurship and Corporate Expectations from Management Graduates organized.
MoU with MSME (Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Year: 2023

YEAR: 2023

YEAR: 2021

YEAR: 2021