The Institution integrates the cross cutting issues relevant to Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics into the curriculum by offering the following Foundation Courses as prescribed by Bharathiar University.

3. Human Rights

Creating awareness about Human Rights is continuously demonstrated on the campus. ‘Human Rights and Social Legislation’ is offered as a Core Subject in the II semester for the PG students of Social Work Department. The students are oriented towards universal declaration of human rights, Indian Constitution and Relevant Articles relating to human rights, Social Planning, Social Development and Social Legislation.

Besides, ‘Value Education - Human Rights’ is offered as Foundational Course to the second year students of all the UG Courses as per the University norms. Apart from this, various orientation programmes are organized to impart sensitivity among human rights. Right from admission, the awareness is created among the students and their parents about the values of life. They are made to read the code of conduct for students (Annexure-) and sign in the document. During the national festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti we will organize special programmes. Consumer Club has been formed and functioning since 2013 with an aim to create awareness among the students. This creates awareness about the advantages of Yoga and Meditation among the staff and students.

4. Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics is taught as a part of ‘Introduction to Social Work’ subject in the I Semester to the PG students of Social Work Department. The students are imparted knowledge on the traits, principles, values, ethics and goals to be followed by Social Work Professionals. Professional ethics is also taught to the students during the Placement Training as a module as it is essential for their career development.

Courses on Cross Cutting Issues in Curriculam

The following are charted by the college to integrate the entire cross cutting issues through Co-curricular and extra curricular activities.

  • All the departments celebrate special days in commemoration of birthday of freedom fighters, national leaders and epoch-making personalities.
  • The Department of Social Work in association with Anti sexual Harassment Cell and Women Empowerment Cell, SNMV CAS has organized a Sensitization Program on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013” on22nd November 2022 at Apex Seminar Hall. The Resource Person for the session Ms. D. Sudha, Advocate and State Committee Member, All India Democratic Women’s Association, Coimbatore, addressed the physical, mental, verbal and sexual harassment issues of women.
  • The Eco Club in order to educate the students about the necessity of keeping the environment green and clean organizes awareness programs like nature camps,  campaigns on plastic elimination and energy conservation.
  • The students are encouraged to grow plants in the classrooms to provide a green ambiance. On 02nd March 2023,“REGALIA - Inter Collegiate CulturalFest”tree saplings are distributed to all the students.
  • NSS and Eco Club along with One Family Three Trees Team organized a Tree Plantation Program on 04th January 2023, in the premises of the college. Around 300 fruit saplings were donated to staff and students of the SNMV family. Mr. Muthu Kamatchi from the United States acted as the chief guest of the occasion.
  • The NSS unit of SNMV CAS organized an “Anti-Drug Awareness Programme” on 24th February 2023. Mr. John Jenian Singh, Sub Inspector of Police, and Mr. J. Saravanan, Sub Inspector of Police, Chettipalayam, graced the occasion as chief guests.
  • Red Ribbon Club and the Department of Hindi jointly organized a Guest Lecture on“Art of Living”on 15th March 2023. Ms. K. Saswatha Sruthi, Social Activist, Student of Anna University, Chennai, was the chief guest of the occasion.
  • The Women Empowerment Cell of SNMV CAS celebrated the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2023, with the theme “Embrace Equity”. Ms. Deepa Mohanraj, Managing Trustee, Kaumaram Prashanthi Academy, Coimbatore, acted as the Chief Guest of the occasion. All women faculty members and girl students of the college participated in the programme.
  • Guest lecture on “Enlightenment Through Yoga” Dr. G. S. Sharmila, Associate Professor/ Medical Officer, Department of Yoga, JSSINYS, Coimbatore.
  • Extension activities are integrated to realize the necessity of values and social concerns where all departments organize activities to propagate social consciousness, ethics, team work, leadership and commitment.
  • Activities organized through NSS, NCC, YRC, RRC and Outreach Programmes like orphanage visit, special children support, health camps, and Swachh Bharat activities reduce social barriers, inequality, and promote social responsibility among students.
  • The NSS unit of SNMV CAS organized an “Anti-Drug Awareness Program” on 26th October 2022. Mr. P. Chinna Kamanan, Sub Inspector of Police, Chettipalayam acted as the resource person. The program was further invigorated by the presence of all the staff members of the college.
  • Flash Mob on Gender Equity, Legal Rights for Women, Cyber Safety and Security for Women, Health and hygine for Women.
  • International yoga day is celebrated by conducting webinars, organizing yoga classes with the guidance of certified yoga teachers, and conducting awareness on Yoga through Quizzes.
  • Youth Red Cross of Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science organized a “Rally to observe Drug Abuse” on 14.08.2022 (Sunday), at 10.00 a.m. from SNMV College to Malumachampatti. Mr. Chinnakamanan, Sub Inspector of Police, Chettipalayam, flagged the rally off and called upon the YRC Volunteers of SNMV College to put forth the ill effects of drug usage amidst the public. Which was followed by pledge taking. The volunteers marched the streets holding placards with informative captions and banners highlighting the need to control the drug usage.
  • Youth Red Cross Cell of Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, organized “Cancer Awareness Program” in collaboration with Royal Health Care Hospital, Coimbatore on 17th March 2023 at the college premises.Dr. T. Sujit, Consultant Radiation Oncologist, American Oncology Institute at Royal Care Hospital from Coimbatore served as the resource person. The session deals about Symptoms of Cancer, Types of Viruses and Bacteria, how to identify the symptoms in early stage, Risk Factor, DNA, prevention from other disease and stay healthy and diet plans presented by  the doctor.
  • Red Ribbion Club of Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, organized “Celebrating Life”  on 10.11.2022. The Session is handled by Chief Guest Mr. P. Muthusamy, ICTC counselor. Mr. Arivazagan ICTC counselor, are rendered the program. The chief Guest spoke about the AIDS Awareness and facility available in the Government Hospital.
  • The Department of Physics and Chemistry jointly organized a programme on Awareness on “Curbing the Single use Plastic” on 05.05.2022 at Apex Seminar Hall, Supported by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department of Environment, Govt.of Tamil Nadu, National Green Corps (NGC), Coimbatore.The aim of this programme was a create an awareness about the usage of one use plastic and their effects on Environment. The Chief guest of the programme was Dr.P.Ramesh, Assistant Engineer, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board, Coimbatore.

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