Faculty Details

Faculty Details

S. No Department Name of the Faculty Designation
1   Dr. B. Subramani Principal
2 ENGLISH Dr. V Sabariraja HOD
3 Mr. B. Sudhagaran Associate professor
4 Mrs.S Yamini Priya Assistant professor
5 Mrs. Yagel AJ Assistant professor
6 Mr.S.Aravind Assistant professor
7 Mr. M. Aravind Assistant professor
8 Mr. Prabakaran S.P. Assistant professor
9 Mrs. Soundarya B. Assistant professor
10 Ms. V. Gokila Assistant professor
11 Ms. S. Saranya Assistant Professor
12 Mr. S. Biju Assistant Professor
13 Mrs.S.Sylvia Mercy Jebakumari Assistant Professor
14 Ms.R Nagalakshmi Assistant Professor
15 Mrs M Narmatha Assistant Professor
16 TAMIL Dr. C.V. Venkatalakshmi Associate Professor
17 Dr. M. Mahalakshmi Assistant professor
18 Mrs.G.Menaka Assistant professor
19 Mr.Sivasakthi M Assistant professor
20 Ms.Mounika K Assistant professor
21 Ms. D. Usha Assistant professor
22 Dr.R.Aruchamy Assistant professor
23 Ms.K.Nandhini Assistant professor
24 Ms.M.Jenifer amalda Assistant professor
25 HINDI Mrs. P.Jayasree Assistant professor
26 FRENCH Mrs.V.Ambika French Tutor (part time)
27 Commerce Dr V Padmanabhan Dean Commerce
28 M.Com Dr. A. Thiruvenkateswari HOD I/c
29 Dr. Deepu Nair Assistant professor
30 Mrs. K Saranya Assistant professor
31 B.Com Mr. A. Gurunathan HOD I/c
32 Ms. M Jothi Lakshimi Assistant professor
33 Mr. T Muthu Assistant professor
34 Ms. Kanimozhi S Assistant professor
35 Mrs. G. Vanithamani Assistant professor
36 Ms. Dhaarani R Assistant professor
37 Ms. Anagha S Assistant professor
38 Ms. Kousalya M Assistant professor
39 B.Com CA Dr. P. Chinna Sahaya Rani HOD
40 Mr. R. Venkatesh Assistant professor
41 Mr. P J Balakumaran Assistant professor
42 Dr. M Nithyadevi Assistant professor
43 Mrs.Sangeetha P Assistant professor
44 Ms. Subathra Devi A Assistant professor
45 Mrs. AL. Sindhu Assistant professor
46 Mrs N.Krithika Assistant professor
47 Ms. A. Gowri Assistant professor
48 Ms. Jamuna A Assistant professor
49 Ms. Kayal Vizi U Assistant professor
50 B.Com IT Mrs. Jayapradha P HOD I/c
51 Mr. K Jayaprakash Assistant professor
52 Mrs. Shreejaa N Assistant professor
53 Ms. D. Loga lakshmi Assistant professor
54 B.Com PA Dr P. Shanthi HOD
55 Dr. T. Kannan Assistant professor
56 Mr. P Jagatheesh Assistant professor
57 Mrs. Sanobar Mohiyudeen Assistant professor
58 Mrs. S. Shameena Assistant professor
59 Mrs. D Ramya Assistant professor
60 Ms.G. Eancy George Assistant professor
61 Ms. S. Anu Assistant professor
62 B.Com CS Dr. R. Devika HOD I/c
63 Mrs. V Malathi Assistant professor
64 Mr.P.Balamurugan Assistant professor
65 Ms. A. Priya Assistant professor
66 B.Com B&I Dr. G. Gabriel Prabhu HOD I/c
67 Ms. A. Vinothini Assistant professor
68 Ms. Vinisha A Assistant professor
69 Mr Saran N S Assistant professor
70 B COM E COM Dr.J. John Manoharan HOD I/c
71 Dr. P. Kalaivani Assistant professor
72 Mr. Godwin Gipson H Assistant professor
73 Ms.Indhirakumari J Assistant professor
74 B COM Finance Dr. K Deepa HOD I/c
75 Dr. S. Yogananth Assistant professor
76 Ms. Aparna H Assistant professor
77 Mrs P Mathivakani Assistant professor
78 BBA Dr. D Naveen Rajkumar HOD I/c
79 Mr. K. Prabhakaran Assistant professor
80 Mrs. D Brinda Rubini Assistant professor
81 Mrs. Mary Anitha Catharine P Assistant professor
82 SOCIAL WORK Dr.M. Premalatha HOD / Associate Professor
83 Mrs. R. Anu Prashanthi Assistant professor
84 B SC CS Mrs. K. Tamilselvi HOD (CS) / Associate Professor
85 Mrs. P. S. Vijayalakshmi Assistant professor
86 Mr.T. S. Vinod Kumar Assistant professor
87 Ms. Princy F Assistant professor
88 Ms. Manjula V Assistant professor
89 Ms.M. Jishasherlin Assistant professor
90 Mr B Anandakumar Assistant professor
91 Mr .R Sasi Kumar Assistant professor
92 Mr. P.K. Prakash Assistant professor
93 Mrs.K.S.Hemalatha Assistant professor
94 Mrs.E.Radhika Assistant professor
95 BCA Mr. M. Chandrakumar HOD – BCA / Associate Professor
96 Mrs. A. Priyadharshini Assistant professor
97 Ms. B. Navaneethi Assistant professor
98 Mrs.M.Shalini Assistant professor
99 B SC CT Mr. P. Karthi HOD I/c
100 Mrs. P. Lakshmipriya Assistant professor
101 Ms. Julie Violet Joyslin S Assistant professor
102 Mrs. V. Manjuladevi Assistant professor
103 AIML Dr. S. Vinodkumar HOD
104 Mrs A Manjurekha Asst Professor
105 DA Dr. Saju Mathew HOD I/c
106 Mrs. Dharani K. Asst Professor
107 DCFS Dr. P. Senthil Kumar HOD I/c
108 B.Sc IT Mr. R. Nandha Kumar HOD I/c
109 Dr. M Jayakumar Assistant professor
110 Mrs P .Rajini theras Fatima Assistant professor
111 BIOTECH Fg. Offr. T. Purushothaman HOD I/c
112 Dr. P. Ruban Assistant professor
113 Dr. D. Arunkumar Assistant professor
114 Dr.K.Ramalashmi Assistant professor
115 Dr. S Arul Diana Christie Associate professor
116 Dr.R .Sridhar Associate professor
117 Microbiology Dr.R.Bhakyaraj HOD
118 Mrs. M. B. Kavitha Assistant professor
119 Mrs.P Radha Assistant professor
120 Dr. S Meenatchisundaram Associate professor
121 Mrs. S. Selvajeyanthi Assistant professor
122 Dr. Vinoth Kumar V Assistant professor
123 Ms. Sowkarthigaa V Assistant professor
124 PHYSICS Mr.K.Leninbarathi HOD I/c
125 Ms. M. Sivaranjini Assistant professor
126 CHEMISTRY Mrs.V. Sudha HOD I/c
127 Mrs. S. Manimeghalai Assistant professor
128 Ms. Annapoorani S. Assistant professor
129 Dr. Indhumathi P. Assistant professor
130 MATHS Mrs. S. Kavunthi HOD / Associate Professor
131 Dr. K.B.Devaki Assistant professor
132 Dr. K.Indira Assistant professor
133 Mrs. Kaleeswari S Assistant professor
134 Ms.Vadivukkarasi M Assistant professor
135 Mrs.M. Nandhini Assistant professor
136 Mrs.R. Vijayalakshmi Assistant professor
137 MBA Dr.K.Muthukumar Director
138 Mr. K. Muthu Kannan Asst. Professor & HOD I/c
139 Mr.Sunil Pradeep S Assistant Professor
140 Mrs. M. Sathya Assistant Professor
141 Mrs. J Shanthini Assistant Professor
142 Mrs. M. Kiruthika Assistant Professor
143 Dr.S.Piradeep Assistant Professor
144 LIBRARY Dr. K. Uma Maheswari Librarian
145 Mrs .M.Poonkothai Librarian
146 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. G. Sadeesh Kumar Physical Director
147 Ms C Hanny Lindha Physical Directors

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