- Candidates with Master’s Degree of Bharathiar University in a concerned or related discipline or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by the Syndicate of Bharathiar University.
- All candidates should have passed a two-year post graduate degree course after 3-year Bachelor’s degree course and Higher Secondary course of 2-year duration after 10-year SSLC or one year Pre-degree after 11-year S.S.L.C. Further, candidates who have passed the PG degree examination with less than 17 years of total duration of study are not eligible for admission to the M.Phil. Program.
- Full – Time (FT)
- Part – Time (PT)
The course of study for the M.Phil. Degree program shall consist of three written papers under Part I and a Dissertation under Part II of the Program.
- Paper-I – Research Methodology
- Paper –II –Advanced Application of Social Work
- Paper-III- Specialization Paper (Human Resource Management, Community Development & Psychiatric Social Work)
Part-II Dissertation
Job Opportunities
- Counselling Centers
- Correctional Settings
- Education Sectors
- Hospitals
- NGO’s
- HR Department in Industries